Stephanie Needham is a Certified Classical Hatha and Yin Yoga instructor, Certified Structural Integration Practitioner (Kinesis Myofascial Integration) and holds a diploma in massage therapy. With a degree in adult education, Stephanie has a dynamic approach engaging with learners and providing a supportive open space for imagination and personal development. A published writer for the community of Structural Integrators and a poet at heart, Stephanie has a passion for soulful expressive living with a strong background in anatomy, movement and education. Stephanie is a passionate educator and facilitator in health care living and being.

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga, being part of the original Hatha Yoga tradition, is a modern incarnation combining the influences of Indian Yoga with Chinese Daoist practices and Western science. The meditative practice of remaining still in a posture for long periods (usually five minutes or more) without an agenda of manipulation influences the deep sustainable effects of yin. With a yin intention, the focus is the connective tissue (fascial system) enwrapping muscles, joints and bone. Yin yoga mobilizes and strengthens our joints, ligaments and deep fascial networks. This being the target tissue (fascia) suggests we go to the root of our musculoskeletal and visceral pain/injuries. On an emotional/mental appeal, practicing yoga the yin way soothes the agitated and so called monkey mind common in our daily living. End result: a more resilient supportive physical body, a quieter receptive mind and a lighter, happier spirit.