Staying committed to the practice in a yin manner, these next six weeks continue to cultivate a deeper inner peace and core intelligence. Hope to see you on the matt, together we explore our somatic moving centre as a source of integration and wholeness. Within the practice, we will take the time to investigate a very key cornerstone muscle (iliopsoas, of course surrounded and enwrapped by fascia/connective tissue!) through breath, movement and awareness. These six weeks will be a frontier foundation into a kind of midwifery towards mature beings as we access and develop our mental, emotional and body intelligence.
Classes beginning again this Fall starting November 10. Each class is 1.5 hours long and the classes run for 6 weeks. Pre-registered classes for $75 for the full 6 weeks, or $15/class for drop-in.
Please e-mail or call Stephanie to register as class size is limited. Please let Stephanie know if you would prefer the evening or morning classes.